Our Programs

Our Programs :- (School)

Our mission, in partnership with parents, professionals and the community, is to help children with special needs grow and learn on a path to a more independent life.


The goal for all of our students is to gain greater functional independence skills. Our School teaches the life skills that children need to succeed at the activities of daily life, thereby increasing individual independence, quality of life, and reducing the burden of care. Together with the child, parents and therapists, and all others involved in the student’s education, we design  and implement Result-based programs which allow our students to succeed in environments they have been unable to manage before. Eventually, our students transition to a “less restrictive” setting – whether that is home, a group setting or the public school setting.

Result-based program

SchoolVocational Training
Group actFunctional academic skill
ComputerEnvelope making
Kitchen ActAgarbati making.
Academic SkillSeasonal Items
ADLKitchen act
Sport’s activitiesPhysical act
Communication skillsOuting's
Social skillsADL skill’s
Functional skillsMotor skills
Motor skillsSocial skills
NIOSAcademic and computer
Special Olympics
The Indoor GamesThe Outdoor Games
CaromFoot Ball
Stretching ExercisesSkating
Rope ExercisesPhysical Exercise
Computer GamesSwimming
Playing Musical InstrumentsBadminton
Snakes &LaddersTable tennis
HopscotchAthletic Game's
Ground Activity
Flying Disk and Ring

Sports Club

The basic idea for starting this Sports Club was to setup a center  where all indoor and outdoor activities would be taught to these children, which was not available in any institute. Secondly as children grow they need regular sports activity to help them with their physical growth, to utilize their energy in a proper and  meaningful  way,  to develop their social skill, to calm them down and regulate their night sleep pattern. The children attend the sports club for 2 hours every day. When a child comes in, he is assessed and his goals are set; then the trainer starts working on them. The games are designed into Indoor and Outdoor Games.The children attend the sports club  for  2 hours every day. When a child comes in, he is assessed and his goals are set; then the trainer starts working on them. The games are designed into Indoor and  Outdoor Games.

DayCare Services

Respite care is an essential part of the overall support that families need to keep their child with a disability at home. Since not all families have the same needs, we are always geared to individual family needs by identifying the type of respite needed and matching the need to the services currently available, or using this information to develop services where none exist. Regardless of the type of respite program utilized, the emphasis is on orienting services toward the entire family. We give great importance to the fact that the child will change as he or she grows and develops into an individual with his or her own personality and ideas.

Advantages of this center to parents

  • If both parents fall ill and there is no one to take care of the special child; day care respite center  is useful.

  • In case of unforeseen events in the family the child could become hyper; respite care center  can be useful.

  • While organizing to celebrate any big occasion or festival; parents find it difficult to handle the child; respite care center  is available.


These are just a few instances where a day care center  can assist. Here in India one would still be able to hire a house-help to take care of the child; but as we all know with our own experiences of how trustworthy these house-help are in the parents absence and also aware of the little training they could provide; unlike a day care center  where we believe in trying our best in making the child independent by imparting ADL skills.

Legal and Financial Information

  • Registered with the Charity Commissioner under the Mumbai Public Trust Act, 1950(BOM XXIX of 1950) ,Reg. E-0038513(GBR) dated December19th, 2023).
  • Our PAN NO –AAETD6328A
  • Operates Bank Account with Saraswat Co-op Bank ,Mumbai.